Rough Transition from College Life to Entry Level Position

Hi guys.

I'm currently about one month into my first entry-level position at an engineering firm (I'm not an engineer, I have a marketing/communications position). I started before graduation since I had the time with my graduate classes being mostly online. It's in-person, 5 days a week, 9-5. The pay is decent considering I've had no prior experience but, as the title states, the transition has been nothing but rough. I thought I would get used to the routine but I seemed to have hit a plateau. I feel that I dread the workday because I am sitting at my desk in front of a computer for 8 hours a day and feel that I could be doing so much more with my day. I also feel that I am constantly rushing outside of work because of the limited time I have now in comparison to when I wasn't working. It also doesn't help that I still live in a college house until the end of this month with others that do not work, so I feel like I'm missing out. The office is small and my coworkers are nice, but there is a pretty big age gap — enough of one that there isn't much potential for friends or conversations past the usual small talk. Everyone also eats lunch at their desk, in front of their computer.

Also, for context, I do get up early to enjoy my mornings before work and work out in the evenings as a way to establish a routine. It seemed to work at first, but now it feels like things I have to do, instead of being a time to prepare/unwind for the day.

I'm trying my best to stick it out and not succumb to my anxieties, especially since I'm incredibly grateful to have a job before even finishing my graduate degree (I understand how lucky I am). I also would like to use this job as experience for future potential positions, but am having second thoughts about that being worth it in the long run.

Has anyone else been in a position where they've started a job before graduation? And do the feelings of anxiety go away? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

TLDR: Still feeling anxious one month into an entry-level position while still in school. Any advice?

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Rough Transition from College Life to Entry Level Position Rough Transition from College Life to Entry Level Position Reviewed by Louhi on mai 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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