Help with applying to a local tech company

I could really use some advice on applying to a local tech company in my area. Working for this company would be a dream come true for me as I have been wanting to work here since high school. I'm applying for an entry level position (Call Center Rep); however, applying gives me anxiety nonetheless.

Before I explain what I'm struggling with I'll tell you that I applied for this position a few months back and scored an interview. I was incredibly happy to have even had the opportunity to interview. Unfortunately the interview didn't go well. It was a phone interview with about 4 company employees asking the questions. When the call came I got incredibly anxious and feel I definitely tanked it. A few days later they emailed to tell me I was not accepted for the position and removed the ad online.

Since then I have been periodically checking their website for the position to pop up again and finally it showed up. I really want to seize this opportunity so I'm seeking some help and advice.

I'm trying to make my resume and cover letter perfect but I feel like there are some details on the resume that I don't know how to address.

 1. I was going to college but am unable to complete as I can't afford it. So my question is how should I address this on the resume? 2. Since about March of 2018 I have been working under the table. Its a kiosk in the local mall. My question here is should I put this job on my resume? If no, how should I explain the absence in work? 

I guess my last question would be: do you have any tips for a conference style phone interview?

Thank you so much for reading and please ask any questions and I will be sure to answer and clarify!

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Help with applying to a local tech company Help with applying to a local tech company Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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