In an interview, how would I answer a question about why I had so many incompletes/took an extra semester?

So I am set to graduate in December, while I was originally supposed to graduate in May. In the semester before my last I took quite a few incompletes in classes, that I have been finishing in my extra semesters. I took these incompletes because I had a serious bout of depression and began taking antidepressants, but fell off track and couldn't get back on track by the end of the semester.

My degree will be in computer science and I have begun applying for jobs. But I'm very nervous and unsure of what to say when/if they ask why I had to take an extra semester.

I, obviously, don't want to outright lie to them, but I also know it's probably not a great idea to mention the specifics to them either. So, I guess I'm asking what a good approach to this question might be.

Thanks in advance!

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In an interview, how would I answer a question about why I had so many incompletes/took an extra semester? In an interview, how would I answer a question about why I had so many incompletes/took an extra semester? Reviewed by Louhi on août 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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