How do I delay a job offer, to see if a better one will come?

Hey Jobs!

Great community here. A bit background info here:

I interviewed with a former customer of mine (software sales) and I personally know many of the members of the org, from C-Lev down to employee. I think things went very well, and I’m expecting an offer this week. Thing is, I’ve also interviewed with another company that I’m very interested in, and I meet with them Friday.

If I do get an offer from Company A, how do I tactfully tell them I’d like to hold off to see what comes of Company B? Or do I accept the offer, and if the other comes through, burn this bridge to take offer B?

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How do I delay a job offer, to see if a better one will come? How do I delay a job offer, to see if a better one will come? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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