I just found out that I missed an email that asks to film a video to showcase my job application

The email was sent 5 hours after I submitted the job application which was 3 weeks ago but I saw it just now. The link was valid for 7 days so it has expired. I’m feeling frustrated and very regretful. Do emails like this get sent to everyone who applies for the job or just a few applicants? I’m trying to make myself feel better by convincing myself that they ask for an experienced medical receptionist for this job but I have no experience in that so I was probably not going to get to the interview stage.

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I just found out that I missed an email that asks to film a video to showcase my job application I just found out that I missed an email that asks to film a video to showcase my job application Reviewed by Louhi on mai 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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