Am I overthinking this? New job started but no details on benefits yet etc

I received a verbal offer (with salary info) 2 weeks ago, followed with an official offer letter in email shortly after. I filled out the background check etc. No tax forms yet, no payroll info. I passed my background check a few days later.

I started today. When I received the offer, I was told the job came with benefits (insurance, vacation days etc).

Last Friday, I called HR and asked them about the details. They told me that there's been "personal" changes with the company's insurance and they'd go over with the benefits with me on this Thursday or Friday.

Usually when I receive a job offer, I get all the info including amount of vacation/sick days BEFORE, if not on my first day at the very latest.

This is the first time a job doesn't really divulge/share all the info right away. I was really surprised that it'll take them a week or so. Am I overthinking this? or this is not that unusual?

It's a legit/well known but pretty small company 50+, if it matters.

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Am I overthinking this? New job started but no details on benefits yet etc Am I overthinking this? New job started but no details on benefits yet etc Reviewed by Louhi on août 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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