Leaving my part time job after 2 years of working there. Am I entitled to vacation pay in a form of a cheque?[BC, Canada]

I’ve heard that other people who have quit at my place and didn’t receive a vacation pay cheque. I’ve read on the BC government employment website but I don’t really understand it as I don’t think it applies to me(?). The place that I work at is a shady and tbh, shitty, establishment which is why I’m leaving.

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Leaving my part time job after 2 years of working there. Am I entitled to vacation pay in a form of a cheque?[BC, Canada] Leaving my part time job after 2 years of working there. Am I entitled to vacation pay in a form of a cheque?[BC, Canada] Reviewed by Louhi on février 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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