underperforming and hating new job after 3 months - need advice

I am in my late 20s, started a new role at a new company 3 months ago. Its a mid senior level role in supply chain. I am really underpeforming and really overwhelmed. There was no training and onboarding and the culture of the company is really competitive and it is sink or swim culture. Eveeything is really ambigous and i hate it. My manager does not helo and gives me very little guidance. I hate waking up in the morning and dread opening my eyes in the morning.

How do i survive a job i hate and one am underpeforming? I already quit a new job after 3 months in january without anything lined up. I cannot do that again. i am interviewing but my company will kill me if i quit. Plus i am scared i will be stuck at anothercjob i hate for third time in a row.

Any advice?

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underperforming and hating new job after 3 months - need advice underperforming and hating new job after 3 months - need advice Reviewed by Louhi on août 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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