Help me answer "What have you been up to?" when I've been unemployed for a long time.

I've been asked this questions a few times. I don't really have an answer, so I fumble through whatever comes to me at the time. Just now, a recruiter has shown me some mercy and given me some advice on linked in as well as that I need an answer to this question. He wants me to send him something by end of day tomorrow so I figured I'd ask for help.

I'm a software developer. and my work history looks like this:

  • 5 years university
  • 1 year C++
  • 1.5 year gap
  • 6 years C++
  • 2 year gap
  • 5 month contract mysql and php (summer contract only)
  • 7 month gap
  • 5 month contract mysql and php (same as above, summer contract only)
  • 7 month gap
  • 5 month contract mysql and php (same as above, summer contract only)
  • 2 year gap
  • currently I'm unemployed

I have these gaps because I really don't like job searching and interviewing and being tested and all that, so I just don't put my resume out. And since I'm not job searching, I don't end up getting a job.

Most of my time is spent on Reddit or YouTube, or, watching TV or movies. Occasionally I'll play a computer game (Don't Starve Together, Minecraft, Stardew Valley are the last ones I've played), but I usually feel like if I have time to play a computer game, I should instead be job searching or improving my skills or something, so I end up feeling guilty playing video games. If it weren't for covid, I have a hiking group I used to hike with every week. Also I used to have two weekly board game sessions, though this year it's all been online games once a week.

Generally I don't like "working" in my free time, but occasionally I am motivated to create something. Earlier this year I spent a few weeks and decided to try out JavaScript (since a lot of jobs want it) and I made a fillapix puzzle game. My focus was I wanted to make an algorithm that gives you a hint where the next solution would be. I didn't get that far though. I got to the point where the algorithm can solve the puzzle though it was quite slow. In my mind I know exactly how I would change it to make it faster, and also, how to make it derive a hint to give a player. I think I stopped because what I liked was that I didn't know the solution but now that I figured it out, it just feels like a chore to finish it.

Also, in the last month, I experimented with docker on my nas and in a vm and got some applications running to manage my movie collection. I wanted to try out Python, so I made some python scripts to manage and fix the subtitles. Nothing impressive though.

Other than those two examples, I can't think of any other programming I've done.

Otherwise, I cook dinner most nights, and recently I've been making my own bread.

I've never had a problem with getting my work done while at work. I may come across as lazy in my free time, but my boss/colleagues would never describe that of my work ethic. I always get my assignments done on time, and (since I've always used scrum at work) any issues that I may have with getting my work done on time will come up in a scrum meeting and get resolved before the due date.

Anyways, please help me come up with an answer for "What have you been doing?"

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Help me answer "What have you been up to?" when I've been unemployed for a long time. Help me answer "What have you been up to?" when I've been unemployed for a long time. Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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