I just got a great internship related to my field. While the hours don't technically interfere with my other job, I can't really put my all into it. I have to be awake from 5AM-1AM, and work so hard at my other job that I need at least 8 hours of sleep to think straight. Not to mention health and family issues. Although I was in line for a promotion to a role related to my field at my other job (the way things are around there, there's no telling if it will even happen this year), I made up my mind to quit that job and focus on my internship. They have much more to offer me than I could imagine from my other job, and the pay is much higher (for the next three months). Nevertheless, I feel like I am shooting my career in the foot.
Before I came to my other job, I was turned down by over thirty jobs. Nobody likes someone who's not confident, but what can I say? I didn't have a college degree (still don't), have bad social skills and a bad attention span. I've been fired for not smiling/talking enough (they didn't tell me but I'd been written up for that before). Sure I'll gain valuable skills from my internship, but that won't change me as a person.
Before I know it, I'll have too long of a gap in my resume and no money. Due to aforementioned family issues, I can't go back with my family. And I still won't have a degree, so I won't be qualified to work in my field. My other job may be shitty, but they have a strong hire from within mentality and won't fire you over little things. You can be a literal ex-con with a high school diploma and work your way up. As far as I know, that's pretty rare. They also have good insurance for free, which is a big help since I take an expensive medication. All my supervisors love me there and I'll be giving two weeks' notice, but what if that's not good enough? They generally don't rehire, and I doubt I could be fast enough to get seniority a second time. I feel like that job has aged me 10 years in not even two.
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