Do I keep trying to learn to be a cook or quit?

DISCLAIMER: I had no idea where to post this but I just really need advice.

I just started a job at a local restaurant. The owner told me he had no other positions besides cook and would "teach me" since I knew absolutely nothing, but I would only work a few hours a day because I was learning. He also mentioned how people come and go for work and that my two sisters only worked a day there. He said it was MY second chance when I never worked there in the first place, just my sisters. I still agreed and was very excited to finally learn a life skill while making money.

I arrived on the day he said I would work since it would be quiet. No worker there were wearing a mask or gloves (COVID-19 regulations). "Do I need my mask?" I asked. "Naw you're good". We would receive complaints later on from customers. He sent me out saying I will start tomorrow working with a man named "C" (anonymous name). I arrived the next day (yesterday) and walked in and asked around where the owner was but no one knew. Turns out he was outside and watched me walk in but didn't seem to care. I stood around for 10 minutes until the cook grabbed me (Not C) realizing what was happening.

This. Kitchen. Is. So. Small. I am 6 feet tall and I had to duck my head the whole time or bend my knees, sometimes do both. If I didn't my head would go through the ceiling. I hit my head really hard almost a dozen times. I kept getting called out for being tall including by the owner himself. It was sort of embarrassing. She tried to guide me through orders but the whole place was extremely unorganized. Boxes are tucked everywhere without labels with two freezers one inside one outside and I felt I was expected to remember every location with just one look. There was no walking space in the outside freezer and things were tucked everywhere with no labels in the freezer inside. I asked her if she ever taught anyone. "Nope". So I realized I would then have to ask as many questions as possible, so I did. Only a few questions in and I ask about how long to deep fry the fries. "Eh, I don't know. I just know." I then asked about the burgers and how I know when it's rare, medium, well done, all of that. "I just know." I was shocked. I couldn't blame her because teaching me was not instructed and is above her own paygrade.

She then actually did a very good job at teaching me how to make a cheesesteak, so when the next cheesesteak order came up I happily took over. As soon as I started the owner comes in and takes over completely showing me a different way the cook did. She was confused herself. The kitchen is so small I had to duck and lean forward towards the grill. It felt so unsafe and someone passing by would easily bump into me and send me face first into the grill. After that I would follow her around trying to not get in her way but learn how to do whatever she was doing. She then stopped teaching me and went on to just fulfill orders. I felt awful because I felt I was in her way and annoying her, so I just tried my best to be an assistant rather than learning.

Now after a few hours C finally shows up. His first words? "MOOOOOOO!" Why? Oh that's the signal for when the boss is coming. Makes me feel like no one likes him. We introduce ourselves and he seemed all right. We took out the trash and he couldn't take the smell. You can guess what happened next after he went "YUCK MAN!". Now wiping his mouth we tried our best to squeeze the garbage in. "Has this happened before?" I asked. "Never has man!". I thought he was funny and we headed inside. That was until I witnessed him say something along the lines of "shake it" and proceeded to push his bottom into a girl when she was walking by putting her against the freezer. She gave a nervous laugh from what it felt so I didn't know if she was dating him or were good friends and do that to each other or what, but I immediately felt disgusted and nearly yelled at him until I realized it could have been one of the two things I said. Either way I did not feel comfortable, but thought it was just the vulgar part of restaurant life. He also stabbed himself with a wooden stick. No clue how.

The owner comes in and tells myself and the cook that we are staying to clean up after. I was like sure that's fine, then he told me I have off tomorrow (today), but Sunday I work from 12:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. which just had me reply with "Oh". He told me I would work short hours when it wasn't busy so I can learn then shoves me to work a full 11 hours. Let me just tell you that Sunday at this place is the busiest you'll ever see most restaurants. I am still unexperienced. It is my second day. "Why is this fair? He has not kept his word a single time." was all I could think to myself, but I sucked it up.

At the end of the shift the cook and I cleaned. I talked to her saying how I was so sorry if I was more of a burden and if I was in her way. She was extremely nice about it and understood. I told her how I respected her so much for knowing how to multitask so well and do so many orders as a single cook. She then opened up and told me how no one really says anything nice like that to her around the kitchen. She then told me how she was yelled at when she did nothing and began to cry on multiple occasions because of the owner. I felt completely awful. She's worked at this establishment for 4 years and feels stuck because she never went to college. I reminded her that she should not let anyone take her for granted or treat her terribly because if she quit she would destroy the business. I also called her the owner herself and how she should just make her own business. She agreed and kept thanking me for my kind words.

I finally left and was not exhausted, but my neck and knees were killing me from having to bend them for 6 hours straight. I stand for 8 hours a day sometimes and have gotten used to it, but this was different. Oh, forgot to mention we have no breaks so I can't stop. Is it legal? Positive it's not, but we're paid under the table. I fear I will develop physical problems in the future if I keep this up. Especially working 11 hour shifts.

The owner has lied to me about what days I work.

Lied about my hours.

Failed to teach me to cook.

Failed to have C teach me (turned out he can't cook he just prepares food like meat patties and sauce, or so I think he was only there for 3 hours).

The owner put the burden on the cook who is already busy and has no time for me.

Nothing is organized and labeled properly (besides the sauces for wings).

The kitchen is so small I have to bend my knees or put my head down, or both.

I can easily harm myself with the grill since I'm too tall for this kitchen.

Vulgar language and actions (language I can do but actions is different).

Is this restaurant life everywhere? Is this fair? Should I quit after Sunday? Am I foolishly risking my life for $9.00 an hour when minimum wage is $12.00 here? So far I think restaurant life isn't for me, or at least here it isn't. I need advice, please. I don't know whether to try to learn and accept the position as cook or quit and tell the owner I simply cannot learn in this environment.

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Do I keep trying to learn to be a cook or quit? Do I keep trying to learn to be a cook or quit? Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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