First off, I am currently employed at a job I mostly dislike but happy I am still employed. About 1.5 months ago, I interviewed a couple of times for a very small company that has a large client base. I thought I did well and I was told I would here back by the VP of the company. I sent a follow up email and never heard back. I then got an automated Indeed rejection email.
I was salty because I thought I did well but whatever. This company is small and on their site it lists their employees such as their names, position held, education, and background on their website. A few weeks ago I went to their site and I saw the name of the person they hired with all of the mentioned items. I know they hired this person instead because the role they do is the one I interviewed for and states joined the company in May 2020. All well so today I was doing work and received an email from the company, from the VP who never responded to me, advising me that there is a new opportunity and wanted to know if I was still interested with a position at their company and to come in and talk about the role. The interviews I had were all Skype because of the pandemic.
I have not responded but I looked on their website today and the person who they hired information is no longer on the website as if they never were hired. I still remember the name of the person and they are simply deleted from the site. This makes be believe either this person either quit or was fired and now they are emailing if I am still interested with working for them. I still am interested but I am their second choice and this makes me salty that they are coming back to me and stating this as a new opportunity. I think they need someone and most likely will offer me a job but should I even bring this up that I know they hired someone else if I go in, should I even entertain them with an in person discussion, or should I see if they bring it up causally? I just feel salty that they sink I might take it as a new opportunity but I am second choice and they probably do not want to do the hiring process again. Any advice on what to do? It also makes me think that this person might have quit because of the company but all the other employees listed on the site have been there for years so I really do not know.
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