I’m an health worker, precisely I am a medical technologist. I work in Italy and as I said I’m not happy. We study for 3 to 5 years to get a degree which allows you to work in an hospital. All I do is scan barcodes in blood vials and put them in machines which run all the blood exams. Yeah we do quality controls and calibrations but the job is pretty repetitive and boring.
My salary is 1500 euro or so, because I work in night shifts (it’s the same schedule in a 5 days cycle: one afternoon shift then a morning shift then night shift and one and a half day off; unless someone of my coworker is sick or has scheduled holidays; in this case you can work for 10 days straight without having a day off)
We work in couples, my partner is actually amazing, it’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met and he can put a smile in my face even in the most rainy day. This is what keeps me “mentally stable”.
Maybe I’m just tired cause I’ve been forced to work two night shifts in a row but I’m a little bit depressed and I’m afraid to talk about this to my girlfriend. I’m not really afraid I’m just concerned about what to do. With my degree I can only do this, I feel kinda trapped.
Most likely I’m just stressed but I’ve some bad feelings about this.
How do I just take all this with another philosophy? There’s people who just do such more stressful and heavy jobs, I’m kinda burned out. I would like to be more happier about what I’ve, or find another way to sustain myself but I’m almost 30 and it’s pretty rough to find a job in Italy.
Excuse me for this but I feel a lot better after vomiting all this story on reddit.
Any comment or advice is actually appreciated.
Sorry for any kind of error this is not my main language.
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