How honest should I be about why I want to leave my current role?

I applied to an internal position in my company (completely different team and role) and to my surprise I was invited for a pre-screening by phone with the internal recruiter. I'm wondering what to say when the recruiter inevitably asks why I am trying to leave my current role. Typically I would give some speech about career growth and wanting a more challenging role.

I know I shouldn't say all of the below, but is there anything in there I should say or just not say any of it?

My company has been going through massive restructuring and everything's gone to hell . 4th quarter of 2018 I was informed that due to the re-org. I was getting placed into another team. The new team they placed me I had NO business being in (not qualified), they put me on the wrong team. <insert 6 months of chaos>. I get placed on a different team, I get a new job title and my work /day-to-day has changed 100%. I go through 4 management changes in the past year. New boss admits I'm doing work for a job grade above mine but won't pay me appropriately for it. Had some talks with my boss about my career aspirations. Boss sent me an internal job posting 2 weeks ago and said I might be interested in applying. I applied and now here I am, wondering if I should mention any of this or not..I probably will have to explain the two roles on my resume because I have them both listed.

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How honest should I be about why I want to leave my current role? How honest should I be about why I want to leave my current role? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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