Got offered a promotion and I dont know what pay range I should be asking for

I work for a uniform supply store currently as a receptionist/data entry/administrative assistant. There is a girl who will be moving on to a position at a different company soon who manages the various contracts we have with the city and hospitals nearby. I make 12$ an hour right now. The manager pulled me aside today and asked if I would be interested in taking over her duties as well as keeping up with the ones I am currently performing. I said yes and she said to think it over and we'd talk about pay and responsibilities soon. So I'd be in charge of all the incoming emails and phone calls plus these contracts as well as maintaining our order database as we transfer to an online system of order tracking. I believe there will be a significant increase in reaponsibility.

I have no idea how to go about this convorsation. I've never had a promotion before and I dont want to be greedy, but also dont want to be stressed and underpaid. My current job is already listed online at 12-14 an hour. When I got hired 4 months ago it was listed 10-12 an hour, and I got the higher end. This makes me think I'd be eligible for more than 14 an hour. 15 would be idea but I think 16 is more fair considering I wont have any help with the responsibilities that were previously divided by two people.

If I end up getting an offer of less than 16/hr I'd also like to mention a plan to my manager about a possible raise and a timeline for that assuming I perform well within the first few months of this new positon. Am I being ridiculous?

I considered asking this girl how much she is currently making so that I can make sure I dont get low balled. Am I out of line doing that?

Please someone with more employment experience than I, could you tell me what you would do in this situation? Regardless of the raise I will still take the position because that is more experience I can put on my resume, but being totally honest, a nice raise will improve my quality of life drastically.

Thank you in advance for reading and any advice you may have.

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Got offered a promotion and I dont know what pay range I should be asking for Got offered a promotion and I dont know what pay range I should be asking for Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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