I accepted an interview with a big biotech company next week and I'm wondering if it's rude of me to ask the managers difficult questions regarding how they feel about some unethical actions the company has taken in the past. This is a large company I'll be interviewing for and ethics may be one of the reasons I turn down an offer by them if I get offered one. I currently am happy and stable with my current job so I feel like I can take more risks during the hiring process. I just don't want to come off as unprofessional.
I feel like people who interview for jobs are advised to prepare for difficult questions like "what is your greatest weakness" or "tell me a time you did so-and-so". Is it acceptable for the interviewee to shoot back with difficult questions as well? I want to ask them for past examples of how they managed certain scenarios but don't want them to be flustered or feel awkward if they can't name any.
Edit: Also this is a very technical role. I've had some experience with managers who don't know as much technical knowledge as they should....so is it acceptable if I shoot them some technical questions as well?
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