Some background, I am a senior graduating this semester, and I recently completed an internship a pretty large company, X, this past summer. Yesterday, I received a full time offer for that company. I think the pay is pretty decent and benefits are pretty good. I have to accept this offer by next week, however, a different company Y also got back to me yesterday and asked for an interview within the next couple weeks. They said they didn't know exactly when, but they'd reach out to me soon. Company Y is bigger and more well known in my discipline, and they probably pay more. I know if I ask Company X will give me a week (maybe less) for an extension, which I don't think is enough time to do an interview and wait for a decision from Company Y. So the the question is, are there any repercussions of accepting the first offer, and then withdrawing if I get a better one?
I have gotten to know my manager from Company X, and I know that he worked hard to get this position set up for me after my internship. I just feel like it might be rude and unprofessional to walk away from it. I want to avoid burning any bridges.
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