First time being flown out for an interview. Feel like an imposter.

Next week I will be flying to Texas for my first out of state interview. I am 25 years old, and have been working in my field since I graduated in 2016. The first two years I worked for the number one company in the world in my field, and then moved across the country for another great opportunity. I don’t like my current companies culture, and the location where I moved, so I’ve been looking for a new job for the past couple of months.

I’ve done multiple phone interviews with a company, and they invited me to fly down for an in-person interview. They are paying for all of the accommodations, which include flight, hotel, and rental car. I am extremely excited for this opportunity, but also very nervous. Not only did they invite me for an interview and full tour of the facilities, but the president of the company wants to take me to dinner.

I know that I am qualified for the position based off of their requirements and our previous conversations, but I can’t help but feel some type of imposter syndrome. I’ve worked very hard these last three years, but in the back of my head, I can’t help but feel like I’m an imposter.

The company has been very transparent, and told me that I’m at the of consideration for the job. What can I expect from this experience? How do I overcome this feeling?

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First time being flown out for an interview. Feel like an imposter. First time being flown out for an interview. Feel like an imposter. Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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