If you get an hourly figure for a contract role, is that with the recruiter cut taken out?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I'm interviewing for this role tomorrow, it's nice but I didn't realize about the "recruiter cut". So I'm wondering if they say "it's a contract role w2 at x/hr" is that figure after the recruiter is paid? This is a # of months contract.

I saw it was rude to ask so I don't know if I should try/broach the subject somehow, like "this is a nice number, but are you going to take 30% out of every hour" sort of thing.

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If you get an hourly figure for a contract role, is that with the recruiter cut taken out? If you get an hourly figure for a contract role, is that with the recruiter cut taken out? Reviewed by Louhi on août 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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