Temp job for 3 months...is it worth taking?

I am interviewing for a temp job that is an hour away, and will only last 3 months.

My current job straight up sucks for a variety of reasons. We are moving an hour away, and this temp job came up. Ordinarily I'd just wait until the right thing comes along, but not only is the current job spiking my depression, there's a complicated situation. We are a small office, just three of us and my supervisor. I really like one of my coworkers, hate my other one, and my supervisor I like as a person but is a really ineffective boss. The coworker I hate allegedly is considering another job offer, but we're not sure if he's serious or if he's just saying it to leverage a higher wage, and he told me it's a pretty drawn-out hiring process. If he leaves, and I leave after, it would really screw over the coworker I really like. So I'm trying to get hired quick just to get the heck out before my coworker.

The temp job actually seems great; much hirer pay, better hours. The only thing is I have some flexibility now, I can live with my dad rent-free if I had to but once I move my SO and I will have higher rent, so if I didn't get a job straight out of the temp job it might be a struggle. But, I know more jobs will be opening in the area at the beginning of summer and around the time the temp job would end, it just worries me to rely on it.

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Temp job for 3 months...is it worth taking? Temp job for 3 months...is it worth taking? Reviewed by Louhi on février 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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