I'm a contract Business System Analyst at a large beverage company. My contract is up at the end of April. I'd love to stay on permanently and they'd love to keep me on if they have head count. But nothing is guaranteed. How do I approach job searching?

The title summarizes it all. I'm in a tricky spot because my manager told me she'd love to keep me on permanently but won't have a good idea about next steps until the end of March. This wouldn't give me much time to job search if they don't have room for me. I enjoy the work as well as working with my team. I've expressed this to my manager.

I know nothing is guaranteed. If push comes to shove, I don't want to be left holding the bag if a permanent opportunity doesn't present itself.

I've casually started looking at jobs and even spoken to a few recruiters but nothing worth leaving at this point. In addition, I'm having trouble finding the time to job search as I work a second job to earn extra money. I work 55 hours per week between my two gigs.

How would you approach and structure searching for other opportunities while making sure I stay on top of my current role?

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I'm a contract Business System Analyst at a large beverage company. My contract is up at the end of April. I'd love to stay on permanently and they'd love to keep me on if they have head count. But nothing is guaranteed. How do I approach job searching? I'm a contract Business System Analyst at a large beverage company. My contract is up at the end of April. I'd love to stay on permanently and they'd love to keep me on if they have head count. But nothing is guaranteed. How do I approach job searching? Reviewed by Louhi on février 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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