Remote HR jobs advice

So, I just got a new HR job after moving to the area a few months ago. I had some temp jobs here and there until I found this position. I was super excited for it and turned down another opportunity because I felt this one would give me the experience and was more geared to general HR rather than a specific category.

I’m about 3 months in and all I have done is scheduling for the staff (I’m in the medical field) but the position I applied to was an HR Specialist position. The only HR I have done is new hire paperwork, the rest of my time is spent begging people to take shifts because the shift is short X amount of nurses.

I’m not happy because this isn’t what I want, but a lot of the jobs around me are HR assistant positions and I’m overqualified for that. On top of that, I’m looking for something remote because I live in a pretty mountainous region of the US and it takes FOREVER for a commute (minimum is 45 minutes to an hour).

Does anyone have any good resources to find remote HR jobs?

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Remote HR jobs advice Remote HR jobs advice Reviewed by Louhi on mai 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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