Looking for a resume template compatible with Libre Office.

Okay, so some time ago I got a computer. Didn't have a great budget for it, but my brother said he could take that budget and get a good deal if I didn't mind having Linux (which was free) instead of Windows (which wanted me to pay not only for the operating system, but everything that might use the operating system, and any updates that I may need to have. As long as the computer operates, I really don't care what core system it's using.

However, there is a problem. I need to update my resume, and the software I used to use only works with Microsoft. Then I found an online program that would allow me to create and save a resume in Libre Office. Problem: I can't update my resume, and the original website is, sadly, no longer available. Can anyone help me?

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Looking for a resume template compatible with Libre Office. Looking for a resume template compatible with Libre Office. Reviewed by Louhi on août 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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