After grinding every day for the last two months, I finally got an engineering job!
As a rising sophomore undergrad, this was my first experience of trying to get a real engineering internship. I learned a lot along the way, and I have a lot more to learn as I continue. If anyone wants any specifics/details/advice, I'd be happy to help. Here was the general rundown:
Emails to Alumni: 1 in 4 responded. 1 in 30 "passed along my info" or helped set up an interview.
Emails to Non-Alumni: I think only 2 responded. Nothing happened.
Applications Unaccompanied with Emails: 2 responses. Both rejections
Applications Accompanied with Emails: Probably 1:5 to 1:10 responded to set up interviews
So if there is anything I've learned, it's that an application alone won't cut it. This is especially true for companies like Tesla that literally get thousands of apps.
I hope some of you found this useful. If you haven't gotten a job, keep grinding! Hard work is the only controllable factor that can increase your odds.
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