Job hunt in 2020: Psychology Undergrad

Hey y’all,

I am a recent graduate with a bachelors in psychology and communication, and I have three years of sales and marketing experience. I thought I was going to go into the field of marketing and business, but after corona hit, had plenty of time for reflection on what I wanted to do with my life and decided I I did not want to spend my life selling consumers products they don’t really need. Instead like to take my talents to the field of psychology, with my ultimate goal being a clinical psychologist or therapist.

So I’ve been looking for jobs related to field of psychology and wanted to see if y’all had any suggestions for me. I don’t have any experience related to psychology other than my major and three months of research experience in the communications department at my university. I am looking for an entry-level position with room for growth and lots of learning opportunities that might use my sales experience.

I want this job to position me to be a stronger candidate for more competitive graduate schools in regards to a masters in mental health counseling or clinical psychology. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Job hunt in 2020: Psychology Undergrad Job hunt in 2020: Psychology Undergrad Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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