Help me figure out how to feel about a tough job situation please.

I genuinely don't know how to balance my thankfulness for having a job during the pandemic against a work occurrence that in a normal year should make me outraged. I will do my best to be brief, and yes... this is kind of like an AITA? post.

New account for obvious reasons:

I work a government job, and I just finished my first 5 years of employment. It is at this milestone that rank 1 employees usually go up for promotion. This typically requires summary of projects, income, accomplishments, awards, contributions, etc by the employee, and an accompanying set of internal and external evaluations assembled by your boss and his management team.

In terms of my personal accomplishments during my first 5 years, they substantially exceed those of my peers that received promotion last year, and in the typical lead-in conversation with my manager about promotion he says my CV is not the issue at all for promotion. That my accomplishments are quite suitable.

The issue according to my manager is that due to covid19 they didn't have a chance to assemble any internal or external evaluations of my work by the required deadline (promotions are only considered once per year.... and the process takes 8 to 12 months). He says without these references I would not be approved for promotion by the higher committees, and he didn't put me forward for that reason. I've been employed here for 60 months, and only 2 months of that time before this conversation were impacted my covid19. They are supposed to perform reviews each year by policy, but haven't done them in full fidelity at any point because my manager is honestly overworked. Knowing he is overworked, and seeing delays to my peer's careers due to management inaction as well, I met with him 9 months before the promotion filing deadline to ask "what do i/we need to do to keep things on schedule", and he assured me everything will be fine, we have plenty of time, etc.

So.... I received the news politely, gave myself a few days to think it over, and than requested a virtual meeting with one level higher of management to learn a few more things like: is anybody going up for promotion due to covid? (turns out yes) and to gather that higher manager's advisement on the scenario (pretty solid and level headed guy). Feedback was that: yes other working groups are still putting people up for promotion, yes we still need to continue to function during covid, And he agreed with my perspective that an omission of my management is resulting in a penalty on me when I am otherwise prepared for promotion.

So.. Am I the (*$hole for even being bothered about my manager's inaction scuttling my promotion this year?

In a typical year this would easily be the last straw in a series of bureaucratic failures that causes me to look for a new job quickly.... but 2020 is terrible for employment, and I'm thankful to still have a job at all... so I genuinely don't know how to balance the outrage/thankfulness.

Anyone who has lost a job and read this has my sincere apologies for being upset while in a circumstance many would be considered blessed to hold. I'm just trying to get external opinions.

TLDR: Government promotion delayed while holding a sufficiently qualified CV because my manager didn't do their portion of work to file for the promotion. Blames the omission of work on covid 19.

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Help me figure out how to feel about a tough job situation please. Help me figure out how to feel about a tough job situation please. Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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