Unfortunately my new job isn't quite what I expected it to be. Essentially I work for a contractor that is partnered with Amazon. The hours are FANTASTIC, the job is definitely my speed, but Amazon fulfillment is absolutely draconian and I already know ahead of time that I'm either going to burn out or just fail to get done what I need to do (I'm struggling with the work load already/forgoing my breaks to get it all done in time) and Amazon is planning on doubling it in a few weeks (I pride myself on keeping physically fit, but I'm starting to realize why most delivery drivers are men).
I feel awful because my boss is a retired cop and this company is basically his dream (his wife even quit her job to help run it) and they are SUPER chill people who I like a lot. I'm not sure if it's better to let them know now that I want to quit and give them the standard offer of 2 weeks notice, or wait until Amazon inevitably cracks the whip and I can't take it anymore.
I guess essentially my question is, should I quit now and have them find a replacement while they are all still learning the ropes, or if I should give them some time to get established? If my research is correct, it seems this position has a high turnover rate, but I'm still reluctant to be the first person to leave. Any bosses/managers here have any input? I'm not worried about burning bridges here so much as I'm worried about making it harder on this couple.
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