UPS Parcel Carrier 4AM-9AM part time for a college student

Hey guys I just got a job offer to work at UPS from 4 Am to 9 Am tues-sat and earn 15$ a hour. I think it would be a good opportunity for me to earn some extra cash especially during a pandemic. It’s kind of far away from but if I take an Uber every day it would cost me around 50$ a week leaving me with 230+ left each week not accounting for taxes. Do you think this would be a good idea? I will most likely have online classes next semester in the fall due to the coronavirus pandemic. I did the math and I would earn about 10-11k a year which would be good side money to have as I don’t pay for tuition due to scholarships and don’t really pay for anything besides food at the moment.

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UPS Parcel Carrier 4AM-9AM part time for a college student UPS Parcel Carrier 4AM-9AM part time for a college student Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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