Going from call center supervisor to another field, but need help figuring out what to look for specifically.

Long title- sorry. I've worked in a call center for a little over 6 years now. I have worked my way up from an entry level agent, senior, team lead and just recently (9months ago) promoted to supervisor. Yet I'm finding that I dont like being a supervisor. I've come to realize that while there were many reasons why I went for this position (more money, finally dont have to take phone calls) I think the main reason is because it was practically expected of me to do so. I've been casually looking for other jobs, and I've given myself until my 1 year anniversary of my supervisor promotion to aggressively look for another job, even if its outside my company-problem is, I dont know what options are available to me with my experience (customer service, a little banking, working with clients). I dont have a college degree and, really, call center is the only major experience I have. I kind of know what I would like to get into (business processes (working with clients to come up with policy, procedures etc. because I've been exposed to that in my departmentand I enjoyed it) or even maybe analytics?) But again-no degree and no experience. I dont know where to begin to look into something in that field or area that isn't hiring for that explicitly with experience or a degree. Any suggestions or "key words" that I can keep an eye out for that could help me get my foot in the door in that area?

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Going from call center supervisor to another field, but need help figuring out what to look for specifically. Going from call center supervisor to another field, but need help figuring out what to look for specifically. Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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