I’m 3 months in at a new job and I’m honestly pretty stressed about my performance. I feel like there a billion things to do and So much to process. If I don’t jot everything little thing down I’ll forget it.
Is this normal? I work in a moderately technical customer facing role. I have the most demanding client by far to everybody else. I work directly with 1 person and another just joined our team.
I really like the company. It treats its employees well but it’s extremely fast paced, which I knew going in. Company is still growing and we just hired several people for my role so I’m thinking it should start to at least settle down.
The other new hires that were hired after me seem a lot less busy. I constantly worry about my performance especially with being one of several new hires on my team so I try to compare. But I don’t work directly with them so it’s hard to judge.
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