I have severe, persistent back pain for nearly a year. Is there any job for me out there?

I slipped an fell on my last job. I moved with my girlfriend across country to try and rehabilitate myself, yet it has been nearly a year and I still fight these aches and pains.

Im afraid of disability. My family says I would never be able to work again if I did that. Im 23 and I already feel like scum of the earth for not being able to pull my own weight, quite literally.

I don’t know what to do with my life. With covid happening as well I’m really feeling useless in life. I don’t know what to do.

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I have severe, persistent back pain for nearly a year. Is there any job for me out there? I have severe, persistent back pain for nearly a year. Is there any job for me out there? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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