It feels like all avenues are closed off.
I've been working in care and support work the last few years but employer after employer treats me like trash. Managers are rude, I worked for an organisation for 2 years but when this coronavirus thing hit they denied me furlough simply cos they could. There was no law to force them to pay it to me so they didn't. I took an NHS job but they're actually horrible employers and the nurses are so RUDE. (Drs however are lovely!) so I don't want to stick with them past this year. I've continued also taking agency shifts which put me in homeless hostels and alcohol rehab mostly - which IS the kind of work I like. But I'm always temporary and managers treat agency staff horribly because they can. We're not their regular staff so they don't need to worry about us putting in a complaint or quitting or anything.
And then of course cos of the type of clients I often work with I've been subject to violent attacks, grown men screaming at me, clients trying to kick in the door to the office to intimidate me, threats etc etc etc...
I have an ordinary BA but all post grad options require a minimum 2.2 honours. I always thought I'd qualify as a social worker - but I've been turned down cos I don't have the 2.2 honours, tried to get onto a course in career guidance (I know, ironic) but got turned down, enquired about a course in nursing but can't get access without that 2.2 honours. There is no route to doing an honours thesis years after you got your BA either so I can't simply 'top up' my degree.
To stay working in this field I actually have to complete a particular vocational qualifiying course but I need an employer to sponsor me on this course and so far 2 employers have agreed to do so and then just never gotten round to it. It was always 'we're working on making it available' and then they never do. So I now only have 3 years left to START this course and no sign of employers being willing to actually train me. So there's a real chance that if I don't change something soon I will even lose my eligibility to work in my current roles.
I love the social care field and wanted to stay in it but with every progression route closed off to me I started trying to look into other things I could do. I applied for a retail training course at the local college but got turned down for being 'overqualified' for already having a degree.
So no matter what route I try it's blocked off - I'm underqualified to progress, I have no route to become qualified, I am overqualified to try to do anything else.
Even more frustrating - all the jobs I'm trying to do - social care, health care, social work, nursing they're all jobs we're constantly being told that we're desperately in need of people to train in them, to work in them. We supposedly have recruitment crisis in these fields - but I'm still finding doors slammed in my face everywhere I go.
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