I have a question about HireRight background check. I got offer from a company and now i am doing background check.

I got offer from a company and now i am doing background check. I used to work as a tutor in the past for my university and a local tutoring center so i put it there in the HireRight application and submitted it. Now i remembered that i used to register as an online tutor for Heytutor (online tutoring service). So technically i was a tutor for then but i have never worked any hours and received any paycheck from Heytutor. Is it ok if i forgot to put it in the background check form? The job i got offer is entry level engineering. Thanks.

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I have a question about HireRight background check. I got offer from a company and now i am doing background check. I have a question about HireRight background check. I got offer from a company and now i am doing background check. Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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