Does anyone know what job I can get with a masters degree in Religious Studies?

Cause clearly I don't. I picked it because it seemed interesting (and it was) but it was a bad move since I'm not exactly getting job offers. I've been thinking about becoming a teacher but that takes even more classes to get certified and time and money aren't in great supply right now. And to clarify the degree was about studying and understanding religions and how they work, not about teaching any one religion. I also have undergrad degrees in Anthropology and Sociology because I just make so many good choices in life.

I have no idea what careers to even start looking into so any advice would be appreciated.

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Does anyone know what job I can get with a masters degree in Religious Studies? Does anyone know what job I can get with a masters degree in Religious Studies? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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