Background checks and omitting short-term, bad employers


I got a job offer at company XYZ, conditional on if I pass their background check (third party).

I don't have a criminal record and my credit score is fine.

i'm worried about the employment history piece. I had a brief, terrible job at a small restaurant 4 years ago. The management/owners were verbally abusive, racist, and took away our tips from us. After about a month of this, I called in and said I would not be returning. I was 19. Now, I would of course give a proper 2 weeks document to my employer, regardless of the employment circumstances.

Obviously, I don't include this restaurant stint because it was short-lived and not relevant at all to the jobs I'm applying for and because I left on poor terms. It's never been an issue getting previous jobs.

Now, I have to do a background check. is there any way of them finding out I worked at the restaurant? I have to provide my SIN number (I live in Canada). Can they see every place I've ever been employed in my entire life? Or do they just call the employers that I have provided?

I'm nervous about the whole process and hoping someone can put my mind at ease and offer some valuable advice or past experiences with background checks.

No mean comments please.

Thanks :)

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Background checks and omitting short-term, bad employers Background checks and omitting short-term, bad employers Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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