How to get out of retail?

I don't have a college degree- I have a chronic illness which is generally controlled by medication now, but I flunked out of college three times when I was younger due to flare-ups and I can't afford (literally) to try again right now.

I have over a decade of retail experience. I've been a manager for seven years, and was briefly a GM of a small retail chain store. I've worked for a pharmacy and art supply stores as well as luxury sunglass sales, but my last six years have been spent working in pet store chains. I've done inventory/merchandising management and animal care management.

I need to get out of retail. I'm burning out. My current location is in a well off area, so no one is willing to work for chain wages, and those that will are unreliable, don't show up, and we can't fire them because we can't replace them. We have been understaffed for over two years. One of my assistants has a temporary health condition so she can't touch any animals or any of our cleaning solutions. If I'm working with just her, I have to do all animal care on top of my normal duties and hers. I pulled overtime for the last month to get both her and my job done (both are full time) but was told that I need to train other employees to help me instead of working overtime myself. But we are so short staffed I frequently run the store with just me and one other employee- how can I train someone on medication administration, animal care, etc when I need them on register?

I could go on. How do I get out of this retail cycle? It is killing me. My house is a wreck, I'm drinking too much to cope with the stress, I'm on medications for my mental health as well as my physical. I feel like I'm drowning and there's no way out. I used to love my job.

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How to get out of retail? How to get out of retail? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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