How to handle customer harassment at job

So I work at the shittiest place in the world(Walmart) And they hardly protect us the employees from customers especially female employees.

I actually want to quit cause the harassment from male customers is a lot and they do nothing when I report, like yesterday a male customer was harassing me following me everywhere, when I went outside he kept saying he wasn’t creepy and I should follow him Home, my coworker saw she took his license plate and stayed with me and got a manager and they did nothing. I’m 19 and this creep has Grey balding hair so like 35-40 looking and today some guy who gave me his number and I didn’t call flipped me, my coworkers protected me again and the psycho csm just smiled.

I want to quit so bad but for now I need help managing the harassment, and this old gremlin looking men get so entitled and scream my name When I ignore them and complain about how I’m ignoring them And they need help which forces me to clap back but my parents never thought me how to defend myself just to be passive. I hate working in Walmart with all my heart and soul so I want to quit preferably before Monday but obviously I need a new job lined out first.

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How to handle customer harassment at job How to handle customer harassment at job Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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