(BC, Canada) Recruiter is asking for the last 4 digits of SIN (Social Insurance Number), as well as date and month of birth. Should I provide?
The company seems legitimate (they contacted me through an application via Indeed, and so far all the correspondence seems normal - email matches, the number is the same as listed on their site, etc.) During the Whatsapp meeting the interviewer informed me that they don't have direct contact with the company, they input the info and if I'm a good match they'll contact. They also said that they require all the info in the title to make the application, including references (though that didn't need to be done ASAP.)
I was asked to provide this info in the next 3 hours (she's leaving the office in a few hours and wants to get me in before the weekend), so I'm on a bit of a deadline. Should I be worried? Sorry if this isn't the right sub, I wasn't sure where else to post. If you know of a better sub please let me know.
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