Horrible at job can’t stand coworker

Hi guys, So basically I suck at my job in every sense that a person can suck at their job. I tried to do the right things. I went to a top tier ugrad, got double engineering majors, and got out with a 3.9 while being premed. I would still like to go to med school, so I took a job during my gap year in a lab at my ugrad college to try to publish. But I literally can’t do anything right, I effectively make less than minimum wage, and it has been made abundantly clear to me that I’m the absolute worst employee despite the fact that I work 2x longer than others at my job.

In addition, my coworker is a horrible snake who literally complains all the time about me to others, tries to take credit for everything I do, and in general has no respect for me at all and thinks I’m a moron and thinks that I’m too stupid to even notice when she slights me on the daily. In addition, she’ll do maybe like 15 min of work and spends like hours making it clear to the bosses how she did a good job and go out of the way to get tasked with things that the bosses would be more likely to notice. Objectively she also has one of the poorest work ethics I’ve ever seen.

I know I’m not valuable to anyone or entitled to anything at all and I really need this job but I was wondering if anyone had any advice about how to survive at my job.

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Horrible at job can’t stand coworker Horrible at job can’t stand coworker Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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