My friend & I just had a little argument over me not having a job for over a month now.
He told me that my problem is that I am making excuses & that our country (Canada) provides so many opportunity's that are ready to help people, and I should feel grateful for that.
Essentially what the texts boiled down to, was me complaining that I don't like that prices are going up for an extra-curricular activity that I'm interested in, and it's probably only because I don't have money to spend on it. This led to us talking about how I want to leave the abusive household that I am stuck in (again).
That's when he made the point that he would always find some way to earn money if he were in my situation, and with the opportunities in the city (Edmonton) the only reason he wouldn't be able to is if he was being picky. I explained to him that I've been constantly applying for any position that my qualifications can be taken seriously (I've worked retail for 5 years total, and I have a High School diploma), and even positions that might be looking for something different, but I feel like I can adjust to, I have as well.
This is when he sent me a screenshot of job listings for Costco (where were listed from over a month ago) and I told him that I've applied for all the major retailers that would allow me to. Some that I went to personally & asked about their positions, just gave me weird looks & explained to me that I should keep looking online as that's how these things are handled by businesses nowadays & hope for the best.
Overall in terms of my living situation, I am living with one abusive parent as well as my brother & sister. When I looked into abusive service support, the services specified that the shelters are made for Women & Children & senior services, and when those specific people can't go to those because they might be full, they get sent to a hotel/motel to stay in for 7 days maximum, and after that if those shelters that are specific for those classes of people are still full they will stay in contact with the individual but don't have anywhere specific to send them for support.
In terms of work, for any sort of financial support, I need at least 2 pieces of Government-issued ID to apply for anything. I was going to get these things (ID Card, passport, etc.) when I earned enough to buy them since they each cost minimum $50-$150, but with groceries & other bills I had to pay for I couldn't afford them when I was working at my last job. When I called the services to maybe get an emergency one issued, they said I should go to the registry agents office, when I did that they said I have to pay regardless of my situation.
I'm not trying to make this into a "tell me I'm right" thread, but just explain to me at what point is it warranted to say that I've been making excuses, and If I really wanted to I could better my situation?
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