Not Selected for Interview

I applied for a position and was sent a rejection in which they explained they were looking for someone with more direct experience in the particular field that this position is in; however, they encouraged me to apply to a more junior position that doesn’t require as much experience. So I went ahead and applied to that position after the initial rejection, and today I received an email saying that I wasn’t selected to move forward but they hope I don’t mind if they keep my application on file (never mind that this was sent via an automated no reply email system, so if I DID have an issue with them holding my application, I’d have to figure out a way to make that known to them).

I just feel incredibly disrespected that they would specifically suggest and encourage that I apply for this position only to not even be given an initial phone screen when I do. Part of me wants to reach out to a hiring manager just to let them know that I feel disrespected and that maybe they should reconsider how they go about rejecting their applicants, but I also am aware that I might just be angry right now and should let it go.

Should I reach out and let them know? I guess part of me just wanted to vent, but I do wonder if multiple hiring managers might be employed and unaware that they are recommending people to other positions like this.

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Not Selected for Interview Not Selected for Interview Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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