Is there a good way to quit a job less than two weeks after you started?

Long story short, I started a new job as a cook because I wasn't having a lot of luck finding a professional job and needed a paycheck soon. That was last week. This week, one of the companies I had already written off called me with a job offer. They want me to start on Wednesday.

It would be stupid for me not to take this offer. Better pay and has a M-F schedule that works perfectly for me (I'm a single dad, so everything revolves around daycare), while this current job requires me to have to make arrangements for my son. So I'm taking the offer.

I'm going in to work tomorrow morning. How should I break the news? I don't really need a good reference from them (and may not even get one, given the short notice), but I don't want to just stop showing up one day. My boss and coworkers are all nice people and they're understaffed as it is so I'd feel shitty for doing that to them.

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Is there a good way to quit a job less than two weeks after you started? Is there a good way to quit a job less than two weeks after you started? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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