I'm terrified to leave my job, and change my life

I'm 24, I've had this job for 3 years, and I'm finally coming to terms that I need to leave, and I need to leave soon. For a long time I convinced myself that the job was a good deal, it's flexible and I have a lot of leverage as they rely on me heavily. But this feels like a long time coming, and it's hitting me all at once that wow, I really need to quit.

The management of my job is really dysfunctional, I'll get passive aggressive texts at night when I'm home, and theres been a lot of things I'd consider 'strikes'. Recently, the job has been destroying me physically, and I'm seeing a doctor soon and considering using it as my way out of this job. Everyone in my life tells me I should quit.

The thing is, I'm terrified to quit. When I leave, I don't know how they'll manage. That isn't me trying to toot my own horn, it will really be difficult for them. But I've given them all I possibly can. I think I also fear their reaction, they will go ballistic. I'm also just absolutely terrified of changing my life this way. I've had this job for 3 years, I've settled into it. I haven't had to do anything truly uncomfortable or this life changing in a long time. I'm scared! But I know the older I get, the harder it will be. I live at home and have savings, I'm not on my own with all these bills to pay. I have this 'cushion' and a supportive family so I don't know why I'm so scared.

Any advice for taking that leap of faith would be really appreciated. I've already applied to a new job, so I know I'm planning on doing this no matter what, but I'm just trying to accept it, and it's been extremely hard. I thought I could wait it out because there's a lot going on in my life right now, but I think it's looking like this is an all at once deal.

So if anyone has any experience changing their life, quitting their job, and taking a risk, I'd be happy to hear.

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I'm terrified to leave my job, and change my life I'm terrified to leave my job, and change my life Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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