I’ve (27/M) worked in retail for 5 years for 3 different employers. Stocking shelves at Target for 2 and a half years, sales floor at Lowe’s for 1, sales floor at Best Buy for 1, and recently got back to Lowe’s in a full time CSA position. Bi-weekly paycheck is barely enough to pay for anything more than rent because gov’t takes a large chunk out. Outside of retail, I (well used to) shoot and edit videos for small businesses but I’m in a different city and my client base is 2 and a half hours away from home. Would explore doing that for money as an option here but want to explore different opportunities first. My resume is pretty much customer service jobs. Ideally want to make the jump into an office setting (just tired of retail), wanting to find something with a better annual salary (roughly 23k a year isn’t going to cut it for me). Feel like I’m under-qualified for a lot and feel like retail is really what I’ll ever be cut out for :(
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