Hello all,
I'm feeling a small bit lost about how to handle this. I just got offered a new job, which is awesome, but I've been more or less long term unemployed or have had very casual part-time work due to mental health difficulties and depression. My new job asked in the interview what hours/days am I looking for. I said 4 days didn't give a reason for it. They said that should work...blah blah blah unfortunately when I got offered the job they said that couldn't work and it can only be 5 days a week.
I worried for a number of reasons: 4 days would have been better for my mental health as I burn out/ become exhausted so fast and I also have a number of hospital/doctors appointments and asking for this time off while just annoy people.
My employers/HR don't know that I have any difficulties and I am just looking for advice on how I should go about the next stage. Tell them about my difficulties or not?
FYI: I really want this job its in a place that I would love to work and I eventually want to work 5 days a week its just I am only just starting to feel normal after years of spiralling that I know rushing into something without taking small steps will cause me to go down the whole again.
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