I am not sure if this is the right subreddit, but I need career advice for my mom.
My mom is almost 50 and divorced from my dad as of last year. She has a bachelors in communications from a university she got in her 20s. She worked as a lunch aide when I was in elementary school, then as a personal trainer (fitness) when I was in middle/high school. She doesn’t get any alimony from my dad because he has no money anymore. She currently works as a before and after school supervisor and a lunch aide, and makes about 18,000 a year. She’s very hardworking and does put a lot of effort into both her jobs.
Her salary is not enough to support her, her house, car and other expenses. My grandparents help her out but we all agree she needs something full time.
She is constantly depressed and cries about how hard it is for a 50 year old woman with job gaps to get a job because there are always younger people, which I totally understand.!She says she doesn’t even have time to look at jobs or interview because her M-F job is pretty much all day. This is all I have heard over my holiday break.
I am not in the place to financially help her, but I graduate college soon and have been interviewing for positions for once I am out of college. I plan to help her, it is not ideal because I would like to start saving for my future, but she’s my mom and I don’t want her to be unhappy.
I’m at a loss at what to say to her. I told her to keep applying to jobs, apply to jobs internally at the program she works at now, I encouraged her to reach out to friends and family to see if company’s they work for have an openings.
Reddit do you have any ideas on careers for her or just some advice?
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