Taking a job this week to get out of a crunch... plan to quit in a month

My husband and I got in a serious crunch. I was a stay at home mom for a few months and have always worked. He recently lost his job and with my unique skill set I can get a 25$/hr job instantly. I am not a common find in my field.

I accepted a part time job to get us thru until he finds work. Our finances won't fall apart now and our lives won't be destroyed. I'll probably quit when the schools have Christmas break.

With my kids ages I have no intent on working until September of 2019 when schedules are stable.

Sorry not sorry? Anyone else done this? Do I give them notice when I quit?

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Taking a job this week to get out of a crunch... plan to quit in a month Taking a job this week to get out of a crunch... plan to quit in a month Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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