Should I quit my job?

so here it goes: I live in Northern Jersey close to NYC. I've been with a startup tech company since January of 2017. I was a junior in college. I took an entry level job being the assistant to the COO, and wearing many, many other hats. $40k salary plus bonus, which at the time I thought it was pretty good (I was 20 years old). I've always been an overachiever - I had my first 'real internship' when I graduated high school at 18 going into my freshmen year of college. Anyways, I graduate this upcoming May, and with this job particularly, I have been able to go to school and work FT (I need the money to pay for school + everything else). I asked for a raise during my performance review that took place this past January 2018. My boss's response was "I'll talk to our VP of Finance, but as far as raises, we haven't done that for anyone during these performance reviews." However, 2 other people (we are less than 20 people company) have gotten promotions and we have been hiring some other people.

This has been bothering me since January 2018, and since then, I have taken on so many other tasks, one major one being marketing for our new product subscription model. I like the company, I like the direction where it's going, I know once we sell the company I'll have some equity on it, and am told that once we get funding I am able to choose basically any position I want. I have a great relationship with my boss and he's been a great mentor to me. I'm really unhappy about how much I'm getting paid, and it feels that I just keep getting more work for the same pay I was getting when I knew little to nothing. This doesn't make sense to me. Does/did anyone have similar experiences that can guide me?

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Should I quit my job? Should I quit my job? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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