Reapply for a job that didn't want to hire me the first time?

Backstory: I applied to a research position (entry level) and got a phone interview, but was not selected for the in person interview. The supervisor (not in charge of the study) I interviewed with sent me a rejection email after I reached out to them 1 month after the phone interview.

Now the same job has been reposted, but this time, the professor who's running the study is listed as the hiring manager. It looks like they never hired anyone. Should I reapply for the position since I am qualified and it's going to be with the actual hiring manager? It looks like they restructured the job duties also so maybe that's why they didn't hire anyone the first time.

Edit: I got offered a different research position! They are the same title, but different job duties and departments. It turns out it'll be a 4% pay cut and demotion from my current position, but I'll gain experience in the field I want. Thank you all.

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Reapply for a job that didn't want to hire me the first time? Reapply for a job that didn't want to hire me the first time? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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