I'm trying to change job because of back problems, i have Spinal disc herniations and Spondylolisthesis, seen 3 doctors, 3 physiotherapist they gave me some exercises to do and said things should get better but so far they it's getting worse and worse every week. i'm tired of being in pain everyday, sometimes even tramadol doesn't help.
Finding a new job is a problem because i can't sit longer than 3h/day otherwise i have pain in my upper left leg and buttock next day , can't lift/carry heavy objects, can't stand in one position for long time, definitely cant stand looking down and doing something on table e. g. slicing something, working on line etc. I think i need a job where i can walk around stand for a bit and then walk again or just keep walking all day without caring heavy things.
Because of that i'm really struggling to find job i can do. I used to work as a chef(that's when my back problem started) now i work in warehouse.
can you think of any job i can do? don't have any requirements just something above minimum wage and no back pain. Thanks.
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